Your Part-Time Controller, LLC (YPTC)’s staff reunited in-person once again–this time not only for learning, but for celebration too! 

March marked thirty years since the firm’s founding. Because of this, YPTC paired its series of spring trainings with a birthday bash aptly themed, ‘#YPTCTurns30’.  

The festivities kicked off on March 27th and continued throughout the week in seven different cities—Philadelphia, Nashville, D.C., Jersey City, Boston, Phoenix, and Houston—to accommodate YPTC’s growing number of staff and regions.  When designing the look and feel of the events, the company’s major milestone was top of mind.  Preparations began immediately after last October’s ‘Fall into Learning’ series, and was helmed by Operations Manager Haley Willis, Events Coordinator Jill Reese, and YPTC’s marketing and training departments. 

On the planning process, Operations Manager Haley Willis remarked, “There are so many moving pieces that involve the help of many different people and departments, and each location is unique with a different set of challenges. While our planning sets the foundation, the support and team culture of our staff help these meetings to be such a success. Maybe it’s cliché, but it truly does take a village, which included over 50 staff volunteers. It is amazing to feel the energy and excitement from all our staff coming together for these meetings. It makes all the hard work so worth it!” 

“We wanted to make everything a celebration of not only YPTC’s 30th year, but everything we’ve accomplished within that timeframe. Most importantly, we wanted to give staff several opportunities to connect and have fun, while still learning and growing professionally,” added Marketing Director Ericka Blair. 

Training and discussion content emphasized reflection, connection, and future growth. For the birthday celebration, all gatherings featured a virtual photobooth, YPTC-themed cupcakes and other treats, party hats, and of course, a surprise gift.  

First up on the schedule was a Town Hall led by President and Founder Eric Fraint or Managing Partner Jennifer Alleva—both of whom splitting attendance of the events with other members of the leadership team.  

“The dialogue created between staff and leadership in the Town Hall is of paramount importance to me. Looking at our accomplishments and opportunities openly and transparently, and then talking about how we can tackle future goals together, really embodies YPTC’s culture,” stated Jennifer Alleva.  

Everyone then attended the “Planning for the Next 30 Years” session, which focused on client services, technology, and accounting trends. This inclusive presentation also welcomed staff to the stage for “Stories from the Front,” where they shared various client success stories and how YPTC contributed to the success of each organization’s mission. 

During Friday’s meeting in Philadelphia, YPTC’s Support Staff moved to a specialized panel discussion titled, “Who’s Who in YPTC Support”. Moderated by Marketing Director Ericka Blair, this session highlighted members from several support departments, and sought to strengthen relationships and encourage further collaboration.  

All client-serving staff participated in a new training session, which was delivered by YPTC’s DVG (Data Visualization Group) team. Featuring content spearheaded by YPTC’s Training department, this presentation introduced enhanced reporting techniques to improve efficiency and client deliverables.  

“It is extremely important that we consistently present staff with better, more efficient ways to serve our clients. We knew that the in-person meetings were the perfect opportunity to energize our staff, and thus, this new presentation was born,” said Mitch Roshong, YPTC’s National Director of Training and Development. “The Data Visualization Group did a great job condensing the information into a highly consumable, easy-to-understand format. And we’re not done yet—there will be more exciting information for staff coming soon!” 

With that, the “#YPTCTurns30” events concluded, leaving everyone in attendance with fresh knowledge, new friends, and lasting memories.  

Thank you to all volunteers, content creators, presenters, and leadership, for making these events possible!


Haley Willis George Stout Mary Rose Hellerman
Jill Reese Graziella Locher Maryam Haeri
Andrew Miller Gregg Indictor Matthew Guilliams
Angela Hebert Heather Berger Melissa McGuire
Jeff Dean Heather Castanon Melissa Pennypacker
Jency John Heather Shaull Michele Tobiassen
Jim McCormick Heidi Pelczar Mike Sitowitz
Kelly Binder Horace Campbell Mimi Ugljesa
Maria Jimenez Jeff Black Mitchell Roshong
Alicia Eastvold Jeff Dean Moira Shively
Amanda Quenemoen Jen Blasy Monica Standfield
Amina Bell Jennifer Alleva Natalia Cardenas
Amy Huvinen Jennifer Dombek Nicholas Haynor
Andrea Funke Jennifer Wray Nicole Frisina
Andrew Bracco Jeremy Akers Niki Frishman
Andy Mox Joe Wagner Patty Karras
Angela Kampanis John Bowditch Rachel DeMatteo
Angela Stringfellow John Casey Ray Tigol
Asha Vyas John Visconti Regina Mayland
Ashley Garcia Julianne Spingler Rich Lindsay
Ashley McClendon Julie Krzanik Rick Nye
Barbara Enright Kandi Alvarez Roanna Breen
Ben Hays Karin Garcia Rob Pasco
Ben Stap Kasey Henry Rosemary Malunis
Bill Mancuso Kasia Hlavaty Sally Moore
Bill Schwab Kate Urmeneta Sam Trembly
Brian Wouters Kathy St. Clair Sandra Magri
Carly Smith Kayla Bilodeau Sandy Parrish
Carol Ford Kelli Hnath Sarah Mokhtari
Cassandra Tan Kelly Binder Sarah Salehian
Charlie Loganzo Kerri Padgett Scott Kirkland
Chris Sengewalt Kim Holzmann-Krolick Shannon Poll
Chris Sumner Kristin Bakewell Sharon St. Clair
Christina Burr Lara Meyer Shermaine Philip
Clare Sciulli Larry Kaplan Sherry Lee
Dalton Lewis Leah Reichert Song Han
Dan Tritch Leslie Godly Steve Serino
Dana Parsons Levi Tillman Sue Skolnick
David Petrak Linda Sankanung Tamika Garrett
Deanna Peterson Lisa Aberman Tanya Pal
Denzel Blount Lisa DiBella Teresa Black
Diane Hewlett Liz Forrest Teresa Salemi
Donna Rushing Liz White Teri Ten Eyck
Edwin Harvey Lizeth Herrera Terri Pham
Effie Pavlou Lorna Briganti Tesa Piccioni
Ellie Hume Maggie Feeney Theresa Marchetta
Eric Fraint Marc Jones Timothy Keane
Eric Johnson Marever Gonzales Tracy Allison
Eric Wilson Marion Williams Tracy English
Erica Berwick Mary Dagney Travis Price
Ericka Blair Mary Poniktera Tyler Starkel
Vanessa Smith
Vicki Edwards