Angela Hebert
"YPTC is doing it right..."

My husband and I have a growing family with two young children. I needed a solution to continue working but not have to put in 60-70 hours a week. One of the reasons I chose YPTC was for the flexibility, but I stayed for the mentorship, the autonomy I have to make decisions, and the overall culture. YPTC is doing it right: the entire leadership team believes in taking care of the employees so we can take care of our clients so they can take care of their world through their social impact work.
I love what YPTC is doing. I have a great team and great managers to work with. I get a lot of mentoring to help me grow my job skills, to learn and to succeed. I’m given the tools, the training and technology to do my job and the autonomy and flexibility for my day-to-day schedule.
We’re encouraged to ask questions if we have a problem, and we can reach out to anyone for help. We’re all here for each other.
I love what I do. I love the amazing talented people I get to work with every day and helping nonprofits that I never would have known about. YPTC pairs us with clients that we’ll find interesting but also that we can learn from and grow with while we share our expertise. It’s such a great environment to work in!