In this second installment of our Staying Afloat Arts & Culture Spotlight Series, Justine Townsend covers “The Weird Stuff” on the Application Checklist for the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) program.


  • SVOG applications will be available April 8th!
  • Timing is everything! If applying for a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan, it must be received before the SVOG. If an applicant is approved for an SVO grant before the PPP loan is received, the applicant is ineligible for the PPP loan.
  • The amount of PPP loans received on or after 12/27/20 will be deducted from any SVO grant award(s).

First, here is what you need to do NOW!

Go to and review the Preliminary Application Checklist for the SVOG

If you’re still deciding whether or not it’s worth it, the SBA has stated that if all SVOG funding is expended during the program’s initial phase, it intends to identify supplemental awards in the event Congress appropriates additional monies for the program. This means entities would not have to reapply and could potentially be FIRST in line for funding should Congress appropriate additional resources to the SVOG.

Let’s review the “weird stuff” you’ll find on the application.

This first section covers “the weird stuff” that applies to ALL applicants.

Written statement of need

  • CERTIFICATION by the principal representative or owner of the entity that the SVOG is needed
  • Must certify that the uncertainty of current economic conditions makes the SVOG necessary
  • Must indicate need to stay afloat
  • INTENT to remain open or reopen
  • If reopening, an estimated reopening date MUST be provided!
  • ASSURANCE that your organization was fully operational on 2/29/2020

Employee list

  • List of current employees as of 4/8/2021
  • List of individuals employed as of 2/29/20 with status, title, and descriptions for each, especially if shared with an affiliated entity. For example: Sally Stages – Theatre Director, salaried, exempt, full-time, shared with affiliate

Now for the specifics: In this next section we will cover “the weird stuff” for unique situations and specific types of organizations.

Live Venue Operator or Promoter, Theatrical Producer, or Live Performing Arts Organization Operator

  • Marketing materials which support the entity was in operation as of 2/29/20. These MUST include event titles, show times, dates, and entry requirements.
  • Box office/ticketing report with dates, artists, ticket prices, and ticket sales for February 2020. If there were no performances in February 2020, a month between January 2019 and January 2020 may be provided.
  • Floor Plan that demonstrates defined performance and audience space locations
  • Proof of equipment such as audio mixing equipment, public address system, and a lighting rig

Motion Picture Theatre Operator

  • Floor plan that identifies the projection booth, or in lieu of a floor plan proof of a cinema projection system and photo of at least one auditorium with fixed audience seating
  • Proof of the projection system such as copies of service or purchase agreements or contracts from a projection provider


  • Floor plan or grounds plan that demonstrates fixed seating, which can be indoor or outdoor
  • COVID-19 occupancy restrictions issued by state or local governments that demonstrate occupancy limitations

Talent Representative

  • Contractual/Consultant agreements that evidence the talent represented and venues used for bookings
  • List of talent represented (minimum of 2) in 2019 and 2020, venues, and performance dates, with notations for which performances were canceled due to COVID-19

So, why do we advise you to start now?

When the portal opens on April 8th, the SBA will only accept COMPLETED applications. Due to the large volume of applications that are expected, entities will not have an opportunity to make corrections and applications (within each priority and non-priority period) will be processed in the order in which they are received.


YPTC’s Staying Afloat page

Small Business Administration SVOG website


Small Business Administration SVOG Eligibility Requirements

SVOG Preliminary Application Checklist



Getting Ready for the Shuttered Venue Operator’s Grant – 1