Harriet S. (Hatsy) Cutshall, Manager
"I felt like I had come home..."

Prior to my knowing that YPTC even existed, I had made my own career choice to use my accounting skills and business management experience to help nonprofits succeed at fulfilling their missions. I had seen firsthand that many nonprofit managers do their organizations a disservice in not understanding the value of sound financial management and analysis in doing what they set out to do. YPTC provides that value. I work with an entire staff of people now who all do what I have loved doing for years.
When I walked into my first YPTC staff meeting I felt like I had come home professionally. I met a room full of people who want to use their skills to further the missions of their nonprofit clients. Many of us are also active in nonprofits in our spare time, more than a few of us as treasurers.
I also admire the mission and work ethic of the YPTC leadership. Their thinking matches very closely my own philosophy about making money ethically while treating employees like partners in the success of the organization.